Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Popularity Of Fruit Wine Making


The process of making wine requires using fruit, mainly grapes, but for some, fruit wine can branch out to other fruits in order to add variety to their hobby. Depending on your own personal tastes, fruit wine can be made from other fruits such as apples, pears, cherries, or even some wild berries. Although the process of fruit wine making may be foreign to you, there are many resources available to help aid you in the process of making your very own fruit wine.

 The Internet is a helpful resource in the wine making process where many different recipes for wine are available as well as steps to begin your very own fruit wine making process. If you have made wine in the past or even if you are trying the process for the very first time, homemade wine is a tradition that is held dear in many families. Although the process can seem very complicated and tedious at first, but once you understand the 5 basic steps, it will become very clear and even seem easy to you and you too will be hooked on making your very own fruit wine.

 Harvesting or picking the fruit of your choice is the first step to making your very own wine. For many in the past, harvesting was done by hand out in the field, while today, many machines are able to harvest a greater amount of fruit in the same amount of time or even faster. No matter which method you choose, it will be the start of a great wine making journey and may become a tradition for you and your family.

 The next step for making wine is the crushing and pressing process. Again, today there are mechanical devices that have the ability to crush grapes or other fruits as needed. Some still prefer to do this step by hand, but you will find that the amount of time it takes to press your fruit will depend on the method that you choose.

 Fermentation is the magical process of fruit wine making where the natural sugars in the fruit juices will turn to alcohol with the help of wild yeast from the air or being added manually. This process is handled quite differently in some wineries and vineyards, regardless of how it is completed; this step is essential for your wine journey to be successful. The next step is the clarification process that entails filtration and refining of the wine after it has completed the fermentation stage.

You will be using filters in order to remove all peels and any other large solids from the wine and refining will add substances to the wine in order to clarify it. Aging and bottling is the final stage in your homemade wine making process. This step is at your own personal preference.

 Here you can bottle the wine immediately, let it age in ceramic or stainless steel tanks, or even sit in the bottles themselves to age. There is not one set way to complete the wine making process, but with a few basic steps, you will be well on your way to devising your very own system to creating a flavorful and desirable wine for you and all your friends and family to enjoy.
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